Tuesday 14 December 2010

2 into 1 and 1 into 2!

The prestige is about opposites.

It's one man with 2 lives and 2 men with one life! Tesla originally created the machine for Borden who ONLY USED IT ONCE! Where as when Dantone used it he repeated the use of it with a fatal end for the twin, repeatedly killing himself.

The film is also a classic example of Nolan's style. Of his depth as much a blockbuster spectacle. Compare this to The Illusionist that came out around the same time and you can clearly see the differences and why Nolan is such an extraordinary film-maker.

Also note the corollary with the bird trick that features in several scenes of the film, from start to finish.

What I love about the film is that it features magic at a time when it was performed by gentlemen in a very gentlemanly way. There was none of the crazy stunts and spoon-bending that gets past off now as magic. It was more akin to the special effects.

Plus I love the fact that they use genuine magicians in supporting roles such as actor Ricky Jay appearing as the Magician Milton in the film.

I love this film and think in terms of Nolan's back catalogue it's hugely under-valued. If you haven't seen it, watch it. If you have watch it again and again and again!

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